This 16 oz. bottle of double concentrated cleaner/disinfectant typically makes over 20 gallons of disinfectant fungicide for your tanning bed. It is FDA registered as a tanning bed disinfectant and meets or exceeds the requirements for tanning salons in all 50 states.
It may also be used for a wide variety of cleaning and disinfecting situations such as hospitals, and restaurants, etc. Because of the variety of uses for these formulas, there are a variety of water/solution ratios depending on your purpose.
So, how much solution should you use?
Traditionally, salons put 2 caps of cleaner concentrate in a quart sprayer and filled it with water. That is the ratio we use in our cleaner here at TanningBeds4Less.
Newer bottles increased it to 3.5 oz to a 4.5 gallons of water (or .78 oz of concentrate to 1 gallon of water). This increase may be because bacteria such as salmonella are destroyed at this proportion. A complete Material Safety Data Sheet is available if desired.
SunMaster Tanning Bed Concentrated Disinfectant is a must for ALL tanning bed owners!
NOTE: If your tanning bed is due a lamp change, or it has been two years since the last lamp change, we suggest you purchase one of the rebuild kits below. They contain this same bottle of cleaner, but also has other products to recondition your acrylics and make them as good as new, plus a couple of pair of eyewear and instructions for use (its pretty easy to use anyway). After usage, the average GAIN in UV transmission is commonly 20% to 40%, so it is a great way to extend the life of your lamps and get more tan out of each session. Salon owners can download the Material Safety Data Sheet if needed.